
Friday 29 May 2020


Task Description: Today we have been learning about the atmosphere. It's about the layers this layer is invisible. It makes this earth warm and cold because the atmosphere layer it's role is to give sunlight to the earth

Cuboid cubes

Task Description: This week we have been learning about cuboid cubes . Our task was to make a cube here is a photo
i add to use some tape because the paper was really slippery when i put the glue on so i decided to use tape.


Task description: This Week my group has been learning about Maori kites and how they we created. In this Slide show it will show you many things you've never read before about the kites.They were made for wars and etc.

Thursday 28 May 2020



Part 1

Far away on an indescribable island called StarBloom. There are beautiful trees, flowers and animals. An enormous whale splashing in the water getting everyone’s attention. The Massive Volcano Smiling relaxing in the area. White fluffy Clouds disappearing in the winds as goes by transforming different shapes. Big Branches and flowers on the volcano making it warm. The sky is bright making the island refreshing.

Part 2
Suddenly , One Day The Volcano needed to Release toxic gas by erupting . The volcano started to shake while Toxic gas was coming out. He erupted really loudly and shaked very hard. When all the toxic gas was coming out he had realized that the water was getting higher. Unfortunately he was a small volcano and he didn't look very happy. In the volcano there is a thing called magma. What Magma does is if it’s draining away which is very sad it causes the volcano to be smaller than it was previously. Sadly There were no Animals , birds , no more whales splashing in the water or anything else near him He felt so lonely There were just rocks ………...

Part 3 As it got darker the volcano heard a noise through an echo of the winds. It was ashes of a volcano erupting. He recognized the huge statue. He was actually one of him, a volcano . But the thing is she had long hair that was curvy. She is slim , her chawline was perfect . It was a beautiful girl. Her Name was Abela. Abela lost her family when she was young. Later , the next day the volcano got bigger and the sea creatures and an island started to be placed where there were. They did everything together. Playing . laughing . Erupting . Then 2 years later they got married. They lived happily ever after.


Task description: Today we have to write about Taha Wairua which namely is about our spiritual belief in god.So what we have to do was create a post. We could post a bible verse , a quote , or even a prayer. But i wanted to do a inspiration bible verse.

Wednesday 27 May 2020

Water Cycle 1

Task description: This week i have been learning about the water cycle this is little bit alike as the water cycle 1. well our task was to finish our work about this and blog it


Task Description: This week we have been learning about the water cycle and how it works. Our task was to research about the water cycle read about it and then create a post then post it on our blog


ask Description: This week we have been learning about the Hydrosphere which contains water. Did you know that Hydrosphere is called as a water cycle.


Task description: This week we have been learning about the inner core of the earth and the outer core. Our task was to finish our work by answering these question and also learn about the layers through watching a video about the structures of the earth.

The Geosphere

Task Description: This week our task was our work we haven't done yet to complete all our task. also our task was to watch the video and do what i know i what i don't know .

lines of symmetry

Task description: Last week we have been learning about  symmetry. Symmetry is a form of the other half a shape. Our task was to finish our work with a Task description and had to draw the lines of the symmetry

Identifying Shapes

Task Description: Today we have been learning about really cool thing through this task we had to do. well what we did was to watch the video then write and use our brain to figure out what shape is that or what's special about that and things like that


 Task Description: This week for our task we had to read a article about this then answer these question. it was really awesome!!

Properties of Shapes

Task description: This week we have been learning about  Properties of Shapes . Well our task was to finish our work


Task Description:Today we had an imaginary was just so cool. Well for our task we had to visualize the video we watched and blog it

Tuesday 26 May 2020


Task description: Today our task was to do an exercise which is called push ups in one minute.Our class was really surprised
with this task.

Monday 25 May 2020


Task description : This week we have been learning about symmetry. Symmetry is like similar parts of the other side to make a shape.


Task Description; This week i  have been learning about the different parts of Geometry. Actually Geometry is a branch  of mathematics. For this task i had to learn create and share my ideas

More Statistical Graphing

Task description: This week i have been learning about the  More Statistical Graphing. our task in room 1 was to finish all our works and tasks for this week.

Comparing Graphing

Task description:
Today i have been doing this task well our task was to finished this task with a task description


Task description: Today Mrs Moala had a task for us to do . Well our task was to pick a photo of your family Just one or two people then write about them. So for  this task this is what i have done.

Saturday 16 May 2020


Wondering which is the cheapest (or the best) internet? - MoneyTalks

Did you know that the internet access has reached higher than it was last year? Well in this situation they have been over thousands of people who are addicted to games and other social media. In the following paragraphs i am going to explain to you how to be careful and have a period of time on the internet.
Careful / period of time
Here we should always be careful on the internet. It is very dangerous so you need to make sure to have a parent or elders supervise you. It's important for us to do our work and not to do other things if you’re allowed. The Internet is made for many things this is a device that signals access to go on google and etc. The Internet is a network device together globally , Forming a network that communicates with another device. Did you also know that south Korea has the fastest internet in the world? !!wow!!

Friday 15 May 2020

Neil Armstrong


8 Little-Known Facts About the Moon Landing - HISTORY 
On July 20, 1969, Commander Neil Armstrong became the first man on the moon. Neil Armstrong climbed down the ladder to the surface of the Moon. Six million people watch the first person walk on the moon on television. Neil Armstrong was a naval aviator , test pilot and University professor. The Footprints of Neil Armstrong and Aldrin is still on the moon.

"Remember commander Neil Armstrong"

Thursday 14 May 2020


Have you had Chocolate before? Chocolate is a delicious Junk food that has extraordinary ingredients. The Chocolate melts in your tummy which is very very yummy. Well i'm going to explain in the following paragraphs how to make milk chocolate.

How to make  milk chocolate?

Cocoa Powder , Milk Powder , Powdered Sugar, vanilla or chocolate extract , coconut oil / vegetable shortening.
START: 1 , 2 , 3
Melt coconut oil/ vegetable shortening in a saucepan over medium to high heat.
Add sugar and stir gently
Add cocoa and milk powder and fold the ingredients in while stirring.
Add the Vanilla or chocolate extract to bring a kick to the chocolaty flavor.
Mix everything until a smooth and silky consistency is achieved.
Pour the chocolate mixture into silicone molds. If you don’t have any , you can simply use an ice tray.
Shake and tap the mold a bit to remove any air bubbles that might be present.
Refrigerate the chocolate for 2 hours or until the chocolate completely sets.
Then you will have a delicious chocolate treat. I really really hope that you can use the tips to make a tasty treat for your family night.

Wednesday 13 May 2020

have you ever explored about Trees?

You’ve known that trees are everywhere u can imagine. But however the reason why we have Trees is because they are producing the oxygen and cleaning carbon dioxide out of air . When the word “TREE” appears it is a long-living organism . Trees came with different particles. Explaining in the following paragraphs…..
clip art trees pine tree clipart free clipart images clip art ...1.Roots
Roots absorb a lot of water and nutrients from the soil that makes the minerals of the tree grow. There are two types of roots woody and non woody. Roots are the main particle for the tree to grow 
without it , it no longer exists.
The Trunk is the part that connects
 the leafy crown with its root. The water that has been absorbed by the roots are transferred up to the tree trunk in cells that act much like pipes

3. Branch
The branches that are on the tree help hold the crown and leaves together. Branches will grow to give the most leaves and sunlight.Trees need light for photosynthesis , that makes green plants generate energy.
Twigs are at the end of the branches.Twigs support leaves to grow fruits along-side with branches. Also twigs create the leaves of the tree. Twigs are namely sticks.
5. Leaves
Leaves a green plant that hangs on a branch. There are awesome things about this. Leaves are very important to trees. Why? They provide food for the whole tree. How do they do it? Well Leaves uses photosynthesis that converts energy from sunlight that trees use for food.
Crown is a part of the tree where it may cover the tree top from too much sunlight. Types of crown adorn different types of trees. The crown helps the tree get direct sunlight .
So there it is- Hope you can explore about trees and share ideas about trees. Because trees are very very special in our environment so make sure to look after our trees.

Tuesday 12 May 2020

Learning about the solar system

Have you ever learnt about the solar system?

See the true size of our solar system - Owl Connected
Well actually there are 8 planets in the solar system . Above all did you know that the sun is a yellow dwarf star as a hot ball. it’s gravity holds the solar system together. In the following paragraphs I am going to explain to you w
hat types of planets there are in the solar system.

Planet 1 - Mercury
Mercury is the first smallest planet in the solar system. It’s made out of iron. This planet used to be a roman messenger of the gods. it’s orbit around the sun takes 87.97 days.The distance from the sun is 57.91 million km.
Planet 2- Venus
Venus is the second planet near the sun. It’s the second- brightest object in the night sky after the moon. It’s a beauty planet. It’s orbit is 225 days.The distance from the sun is 108.2 million  km. 
Planet 3 - Earth

Earth is the third planet near the sun. Earth Is an extraordinary planet. In it there are living organisms like us. Earth is the only planet that has liquid water on the’s orbit is 325.26 days. It’s distance from the sun is 151.14 million km.

Planet 4 - Mars

Mars is the fourth planet after mercury, Venus and earth.. Mars is the second smallest planet in the solar system. This is an interesting Planet because Mars has 2 moons that are called Phobos and Deimos. It’s distance from the sun is 227.9 million km.
Planet 5 - Jupiter

Jupiter is the fifth planet in the solar system.This planet is the biggest planet in the solar system. It is a gas giant with a mass one - thousandth that of the sun. But two and a half times of the other planets. It’s distance from the sun is 778.5 million km
Planet 6- Saturn

Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun. Saturn is a gas giant and has an average radius of about nine times that of the earth. It only has one- eighth the average density of earth. Saturn is over 95 more massive. It’s distance from the sun is 42.7 million km

Planet 7- Uranus
Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun. Another thing is this planet is a side planet that lays on its side. Uranus is similar to Neptune and Jupiter and both bulk chemical gases. Its distance from the sun is 2.871 million km.
Planet 8 - Neptune
Neptune is the coldest , windy and dark planet. It is the fourth largest planet in the solar system. Neptune is 17 times more massive than Earth. Slightly more massive than the near twin Uranus. Its distance from the sun is 4.495 million km.
Surprise -- Our Solar System's Not Like The OthersSo there it is -Learning about the planets is awesome. Why? Because it really helps us to remember that we are the third planet near the sun. Well I really hope that u can learn more about the planets in the solar system and one day explore it to your friends.